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  • Dr. Melissa Thompson Pelvic Health Physical Therapist The Woodlands, TX
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Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy in Lafayette, LA

A specialized whole-body approach to pelvic health physical therapy so you can understand your diagnosis, receive treatment specific to you, and have lasting results.


Women's Health Concerns Do Not Have To Be Ignored

If you’re feeling concerned about the pelvic symptoms you are experiencing and confused by all of the information out there, we’re here to help.


My process is built to help you take control of your pelvic health, fertility, and your life. I specialize in working with women with pelvic health concerns including:


  • Pelvic pain

  • Incontinence (leaking)

  • Prolapse

  • Diastasis

  • SI joint pain

  • Low back pain

  • Pain with intercourse

  • Fertility

  • Pregnancy and Postpartum related concerns

  • Diastasis recti

  • …and more

This is more than just “do your Kegels” and “use this biofeedback machine" and it’s much more than just manual therapy and doing exercises on a table. Quality pelvic health care stars with an evaluation and development of treatment plan that is specific to you so that you can get the best results.

Pelvic Floor Therapy should be a full-body approach and this is exactly how we do things at FLOW through our Pelvic Therapy Package.

The FLOW Pelvic Therapy Package

Individualized Sessions

Each pelvic therapy package includes a customized number of sessions per month as one component of our specialized hybrid treatment plan.


Depending on your specific needs, additional sessions may be added.

Exercise Programming

Each pelvic therapy package includes individualized rehab and exercise programming designed specifically for your diagnosis and results of your assessment.

Continued Communication

You will have direct access throughout the program for questions about symptoms, exercises, and modifications, and we'll work together to make any changes to your program as necessary.

Access to Our Flow PT App

Once you meet with our pelvic health therapist, we will design your custom program together with delivery to our Flow PT app. You will have all of the steps outlined so you know exactly what to do each day with support along the way.

Diagnoses that are treated with the FLOW Pelvic Therapy Package

Pregnancy related issues: Pregnancy fitness Pregnancy low back pain/pelvic girdle pain Pregnancy sciatic pain Pregnancy and birth education for core and pelvic floor Pubic symphysis dysfunction Core and pelvic floor training Bladder retraining Stress & urge urinary incontinence Pain with sex (dyspareunia)

Pelvic pain issues: Pelvic, hip, or low back pain Sacroiliac joint pain Dyspareunia (pain with sex) Vulvodynia Vestibulitis Pudendal Neuralgia Vaginismus Interstitial Cystitis (painful bladder syndrome) Endometriosis Abdominal pain Post hysterectomy pelvic pain Menopausal Symptoms


Bladder Concerns: Interstitial Cystitis (painful bladder syndrome) Bladder retraining Stress & urge urinary incontinence Urinary urgency Urinary frequency Urinary retention Overactive bladder Post void dribbling Urinary hesitancy Painful urination Pelvic organ prolapse (cystocele)

Postpartum Recovery: Diastasis Recti Bladder retraining Stress & urge urinary incontinence (leakage) Constipation Fecal incontinence Pelvic organ prolapse (bladder, uterus, rectum) Scar massage Low back pain/pelvic girdle pain Pain with sex (dyspareunia) Postpartum return to exercise Perineal tear Low back pain Sciatic pain

Bowel Concerns: Constipation Straining with bowel movement Fecal & gas incontinence Pelvic organ prolapse (rectocele) Rectal pain Pain with bowel movements

Have questions or ready to get started? Book a FREE introduction call.

©2022 | Flow Physical Therapy and Wellness  |  102 Magnate Drive, Ste 105, Lafayette, LA, 70508 | 337-366-1703

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