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Spinal Manipulation at Flow Physical Therapy and Wellness in The Woodlands, TX

Spinal Manipulation is a technique utilizing a high velocity and low amplitude thrust to a specific spinal segment and used for pain relief and improved function.

The results range from pain relief, improved mobility, and decreased muscle spasms and trigger points.  

Chiropractors are traditionally associated with providing spinal manipulation and adjustments; however, there are other professions that can perform this technique, including Physical Therapists and Osteopaths. 

Our Physical Therapist, Dr. Patrick Thompson, has earned his Diploma in Osteopractic Physical Therapy and has been certified in Spinal Manipulation by the Spinal Manipulation Institute/American Academy of Manipulative Therapy

Spinal Manipulation has been proven to be beneficial in patients with chronic and acute back pain, neck pain, headaches, TMJ dysfunction, and various sports injuries. 

To learn more about physical therapy treatment for headaches, head over to our blog for more information.


How can Spinal Manipulation Help?


Spinal Manipulation has been proven to decrease pain, improve spinal mobility, increase flexibility, and improve muscle function. 

We can help you restore the natural movement patterns of the spine and decrease joint restrictions so you can live your life, pain free. 

Many patients experience significant pain relief in just a few sessions and we do not advocate for recurrent adjustments for months on end. 

We couple therapeutic exercises for your specific needs so the effects of spinal manipulation can be long lasting. 

For many patients, Spinal Manipulation, when used as a component to an already comprehensive treatment plan, is the missing puzzle piece as to why they aren’t getting full pain relief.

"I am without pain and have increased mobility, plus have more knowledge about how to maintain moving forward. Dr. Patrick is thorough in his explanation of everything!"
- Dana

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