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  • Dr. Melissa Thompson Pelvic Health Physical Therapist The Woodlands, TX
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FLOW from Bump to Birth and Beyond: A Customized Birth Prep Program for Expecting Moms

A specialized whole-body approach to ensure you maintain strength during your pregnancy, do everything you can to prevent tearing, and prepare for labor and delivery, and recover from birth. Available as a fully remote or blended in-person/remote experience.


You don’t have to accept what is said to be “normal” during your pregnancy and postpartum journey.

Pregnancy-related symptoms, birth trauma, and a long postpartum recovery do not have to be part of your story.


At FLOW, we have created a specialized birth prep program that allows you to focus more on enjoying your pregnancy and your baby’s first year of life, instead of feeling like you’re moving from one level of discomfort to another and just trying to get by.


In our birth prep program, you will get:


  • Hands-on, personalized treatment sessions to address your specific concerns and pregnancy/postpartum-related aches and pains

  • Coaching around birth positions, breathing strategies you can use during birth, pushing education, as well as specific techniques and exercises to prepare your body for birth

  • Pregnancy and postpartum-friendly exercise programming that will keep you strong during your pregnancy and a step ahead in your postpartum journey

  • Exclusive access to me to get your questions answered as well as a private group chat with other expecting and postpartum moms

We don’t normalize pregnancy and postpartum-related aches and pains, excessive abdominal separation, SI joint pain and pelvic pain, foot pain and swelling, tearing during birth, painful and sensitive c-section scars, leaking during pregnancy and postpartum at FLOW.

Thriving during your pregnancy and as a postpartum mom should be the expectation, rather than the exception. Our goal is to make sure you’re supported during your entire journey with one-on-one support, safe strength and mobility programming, and continued communication for all of your concerns and questions.

Exactly how the program works:

Step 1: You’ll meet with Dr. Melissa for a virtual or in-person assessment to determine your baseline, your specific needs and goals, and develop a plan.


Step 2: Based on your assessment with Dr. Melissa, Clara and Melissa will develop an exercise program specifically for you, your body, your concerns, and your goals.


Step 3: Once your program has been developed, it will be delivered to you virtually through the easy-to-use FLOW PT app.


Step 4: Once you are halfway into the program, you’ll meet with Dr. Melissa again for a session focused specifically on pushing, techniques to use for optimal pushing, and all birth-related prep


Once you begin the program, you’ll have immediate access to our educational materials, the private community chat, and the monthly group Q&A calls.


Exactly What You Get in the FLOW From Bump to Birth and Beyond Birth Preparation Package

Individualized Sessions

Each birth prep package includes 2 individualized sessions, an evaluation at the beginning of the program and a pushing session halfway through.


Depending on your specific needs, additional sessions may be added.


In between sessions, you'll have weekly check-ins and milestone calls along the way.

Exercise Programming

You'll never have to question what's safe for pregnancy. Our all-in-one exercise programming includes a combination of strength and fitness training as well as all the pelvic floor and birth prep mobility you'll need for labor and as you begin your postpartum journey.

Continued Communication

You will have direct access throughout the program to both Dr. Mel and Clara for questions about symptoms, exercises, and modifications, and we'll work together to make any changes to your program as necessary. 

Access to Our Flow PT App

With our easy-to-use app, you're able to get all of your exercise programming in one place. You'll always know exactly what you need to do each day, all you need to do is follow the programming outlined specifically for you.

Labor positions and pushing education

You'll have unlimited access to our educational materials on preventing perineal tears, labor positions, how to push, injury-related guides, and more.

Private Group Chat

We know that there is nothing better than knowing you are not alone. Inside Bump to Birth and Beyond, you'll get to join the community of moms who are also going through the program in a private group chat.

Group Calls

We know that questions come up about exercise and birth and we're here to answer. Every month, you'll have the opportunity to join Dr. Mel and Clara for monthly Q and A calls to ask all of the questions you have so you can get specific feedback and answers.

The Investment

The FLOW from Bump to Baby and Beyond Birth Prep Package is customized to your specific pregnancy. Most clients get started at the beginning of the second trimester or the third trimester for the remainder of the pregnancy. Once you meet with Dr. Mel, a specific package can be designed to meet your goals within your financial budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I get started with birth prep? You can get started as early as the beginning of pregnancy to establish good pelvic floor health and fitness habits throughout the remainder of the pregnancy. Maintaining these healthy habits and connecting to your pelvic floor will help to improve labor outcomes and reduce tearing.

What if I am already in the third trimester? Am I too late? Because Dr. Mel can meet with you to determine your baseline and customize what is needed to reach your birth prep goals, a third trimester program can be very effective for learning how to connect to your pelvic floor and customizing labor and pushing strategies for you. Dr. Mel will also review your current level of fitness and make recommendations inside your program.

I am wanting to prepare for birth, but I also have a pelvic floor concern, such as leakage, back pain, sciatica, pubic symphysis dysfunction, or something else. Will I be able to join this program? Yes! This program was designed to address the wellness and proactive mindset of preparing for birth in addition to treating existing issues. Addressing your pelvic floor symptoms during pregnancy has been shown to improve labor outcomes and reduce pelvic floor issues postpartum. If you have symptoms that need to be addressed, Dr. Mel will discuss those with you and add them into your overall custom recommendations and package.


How does pelvic therapy help prevent tearing? The pelvic floor muscles are heavily involved in the process of birth for both a vaginal and c-section delivery. The muscles need to be balanced, flexible, and strong to help during pushing and for labor to progress. For a c-section, the muscles undergo the same changes from the pregnancy as a vaginal delivery and can be predisposed to pelvic floor symptoms as well. Post birth, both methods of delivery require proper training and coordination for recovery, which you can practice well in advance during the pregnancy.

What kind of exercise experience do I need for this birth prep program? None! We work with moms from all backgrounds, whether you are a light walker or an avid lifter. We will custom design for you the amount and style of exercise that is specific to your fitness goals and rehab components. This can look like one mom receiving full strength training workouts and another mom receiving short rehab exercises for pushing. When you join our program, we meet for our initial evaluation to gather more information about your goals, and we will work together to create the perfect exercise regimen for you.

Have questions or ready to get started? Book a FREE introduction call.

©2022 | Flow Physical Therapy and Wellness  |  102 Magnate Drive, Ste 105, Lafayette, LA, 70508 | 337-366-1703

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